Mirella La Rosa
Artist, photographer and independent designer, I was born in Venice where I live and work.
During my long activity dedicated to artistic photography I have obtained numerous awards and have exhibited my works in personal and group exhibitions.
My photographs are part of public collections such as the Historical Photographic Archive of the Civic Gallery of Modena and the National Archive of Photographic Self-Portrait of Senigallia.
I am present in the Atlas of Contemporary Art 2020 published by De Agostini.
With my works I have also created patterns for fabrics.
I accept work on commission.

About my art
The works that I present here follow two directions that are apparently distant from each other, but which express two complementary aspects of my artistic production which ranges from analogue photography to fabrics, passing through digital art.
Therefore, “Towards the virtual” on the one hand, “Into tangible matter” on the other. The desire to fly high in the infinite possibilities of the imagination thanks to new technologies and, at the same time, the need to return to a sort of intimacy of vision and material fruition of the object, through a practice in which the use of hands has an important role.
My starting point, in both directions, is the manipulation and transformation of the photographic image, traditionally associated with the idea of reality, but which in my case becomes a springboard to go beyond the real, passing through the world of the visible to the world of the invisible, giving body to emotions and approaching the sphere of spirituality.
The works that come together in the project are the point of arrival of long and complex technical-expressive paths that have led me to create two types of works united by the intention of probing the mystery that our perception intuits beyond the conventions through which it is usually defined as the material world in which we live.
In the first typology, with Mandala and Magical Alchemy, I digitally created large abstract images that arise from the photographic research I conduct on the geometries of Nature, whose beauty and perfection makes me think of a universal intelligence that dominates us.
With them I also created certified unique pieces of clothing and home furnishing accessories made of natural printed fabric, developing the idea of art applied to everyday objects. In this field I find myself in tune with the experience of the Liberty Movement and the Futurist Avant-garde, interpreting their spirit in a contemporary key with the help of modern technologies both in the design and production phases.
In the second typology, with the work Impermanence, more intimate, born from a reflection on time and the fragmentation and transience of memory, I instead produced a series of small unrepeatable images by manually processing, using the emulsion lifting technique, photographs taken on analogue film with instant Polaroid development.