From self-portrait to abstraction
This work is the result of an existential, as well as artistic, journey.
Over the years my expressive research has gone through many phases, some of them closely linked to particular moments in my life which gave rise to a series of "introspective" works, in which I developed the theme of the self-portrait by merging the image of my body with elements of nature, or transforming it through the movement of the camera, to express sensations and emotional states. In this case, photography was a therapy to achieve greater self-awareness. ​
The relationship with the "physicality" of the body and the desire to overcome, by entering into communion with Nature and the Higher Energy of the Universe, the conflicts and tensions that often derive from it is one of the central issues on which this latest work of mine is also based.
In it I visually assimilate the experience of my inner journey to the passage "from darkness to light", "from black to colour": an exit from the imprisonment and psycho-physical suffering of the material Body, to experience freedom, joy and "lightness" of the Mind, understood as the supreme expression of the Universal Spirit which is also within us. ​
The images I have created in the past around these themes promptly recall the idea of ​​metamorphosis. In Chrysalis it is a body that yearns for flight, similar to a butterfly still in the form of a chrysalis that feels in its cocoon the pain of its wings compressed in a narrow space that is no longer enough for it. In Nocturne the shapes of my body instead merge completely with the cracks, the veins, the protuberances of rocks, sand, roots and tree bark to interpret and reveal, almost "on the surface of the skin", tensions, sensations, fears linked to the corporeity of our being.
In the current phase I use some of these self-portraits as the basis for new visual metamorphoses in which, through successive steps of digital processing of the photographic image, the Body, after having merged with the elements of nature, now becomes pure abstraction until it dissolves in the incorporeal and creative dimension of the Mind.
The movement of shapes and colors, extrapolated from the starting image and recomposed on it following the current of new and mysterious lines of force, thus aims to create a space in which one can meditate, free from the constraints and rules of visible matter that it usually imprisons our eyes and the entire perception of our body.